Every child at Foley Infant Academy has access to a broad and balanced curriculum. The curriculum comprises all the varied and exciting activities and experiences we offer to the children and includes all the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the National curriculum.
Ofsted commented that:
“The good curriculum is extended by an excellent range of enrichment activities. These include a very wide variety of extra-curricular activities such as tennis, yoga, choir, gardening and knitting. The quality of the curriculum is reflected in the variety of national awards the school has gained, such as Artsmark, Healthy Schools Award and Activemark.”
The Early Years Foundation Stage
Children begin school with a wealth of skills and knowledge. The period of education from birth to five is the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and pupils in Reception continue to work towards Early Learning goals in six areas of learning –
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication, Language and Literacy
Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Physical Development
Creative Development
We place great emphasis on literacy at Foley Infant Academy. Children are taught the skills of handwriting, spelling, comprehension, punctuation and grammar and are encouraged to write for many different purposes. They are given the opportunity to listen and respond to stories and poems and we are very successful in helping children to become confident, independent readers and writers. Children read for enjoyment and information every day.
Our phonics scheme is Floppy's Phonics. Our reading scheme is Oxford Reading Tree (supplemented by other schemes and books to ensure quality reading provision for our children).
These are categorised as Core Subjects –
Literacy (reading, writing, speaking & listening and drama)
Mathematics (number, shape, space & measures and data handling)
Information and Communication Technology
Religious Education
The foundation subjects are:
Design & Technology
Art and craft
In addition we teach Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) including Citizenship, and Environmental Education.
Mathematics (number, shape, space and measure and data handling) - children are taught the importance of selecting from a range of mental strategies to solve mathematical problems. Emphasis is placed on practical and oral work and mental computation as well as the application of principles and knowledge to everyday situations.
For further information on any aspect of the school curriculum please call the school office on 01384 872382.